LBC: Your First Lolita Item


I talked about my first lolita item in a previous Lolita Blog Carnival post, back in September 2013.


My first lolita item, ever, was a Bodyline JSK that my mother purchased for me as a belated birthday present when we were at an anime convention. This was back when I was in high school. I had been obsessing over lolita fashion, and my mother knew all about it. We are really close, and we share many of the same interests (anime, manga, horror movies, and martial arts, to name a few).


I have considered selling the JSK before, but I do not want to let it go because I feel attached to it since it is my first lolita item, and it has sentimental value since it holds some memories that my mother and I shared.

Since I already talked about this dress before, how about I talk about some other Lolita “first’s?” My first Lolita brand item! My first Lolita brand-name item that I purchased was a BTSSB skirt from a local community member. It’s a pretty pink-and-brown skirt with a partially shirred waistband! Unfortunately, I sold this skirt when I was in need of some money, so I no longer own this item. The name for this skirt is “Chocolat à La Mode.”



I miss this skirt though! I love the three layers of frills, and the cute bow on the side. ❤ So adorable! It’s also a very light fabric.

The first lolita brand dress that I purchased was also a BTSSB item! I bought the BTSSB Dreamy Pony high-waisted JSK and head bow set from the EGL Comm Sales, using a payment plan. The seller was very understanding and allowed me to pay in increments. I love the Dreamy Pony print! So sweet… I love all the pastel colors.


Above is a photo of me and my friend wearing Sweet Lolita. This was the first time that I wore my first brand JSK! To be honest, I don’t think the high-waist style suits me very well, but I still love this JSK. I also wore this JSK and headbow again recently, for the ConBust 2014 Lolita Fashion 101 panel.


Sorry about the terrible lighting!


A group photo from ConBust


Presentation time: At the panel!

Our Lolita Fashion 101 panel had a great turnout! I am really happy that I was able to run this panel again this year.

I find it very interesting that my first-first lolita item was a gothic (or possibly dark punk) item, and my other first lolita items are all sweet lolita items. What were your first lolita items? If you do not own any lolita items yet, are there first items you are looking forward to purchasing?


~Be sure to read other blog posts on this topic for the Lolita Blog Carnival! 

Spoon and Fork, Sparkling Girl, ABC Lolita, Wonderland Gone MadVanillas Traumfabrik, Fire Extinguisher, The Life of a LolitaBreiðholt, The Beautiful and Damned 

6 thoughts on “LBC: Your First Lolita Item

    • Thank you! I actually am unable to take many good pics of my coordinates (I usually take lots of selfies). Sometimes I am too shy to ask others to take a photo of me, but lately, I’ve learned to simply ask nicely and hope they will be able to snap a photo with my camera.

  1. Pingback: Lolita Carnival Blog: Your First Lolita Item | ImaPrincess

    • My mother and I are very close! She’s like my best friend. My mother is also my hero; she has an amazing life story (she survived some dreadful life events, including a war).

  2. Pingback: // Lolita Blog Carnival // My first item | Wonderland gone mad

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