Book-Inspired Coordinates


I am so excited about this week’s LBC topic: “Book Inspired Coordinations!” Reading has always been a favorite hobby of mine, and I am still very pro-books! I know many people want to switch to e-Readers or reading things online instead of borrowing real books from the library or going book-shopping, but I still love the feeling of reading a book that is physically right in front of me. I like the feeling of turning each page, I like the smell of books (especially old books from those random yard sales or library book sales), and I love the personality of used books.

For this topic, I decided I want to post two coordinates. One that I wore last week (and was very much inspired by my love of books and reading) and one that I will come up with and post later (perhaps as a new post), that will be inspired by a specific book or book series.

First up: the book-themed coordinate!


I tried to achieve a classy and elegant look with this coordinate, inspired by my love of books, but more specifically, my love of classic literature. If classic literature could be personified into a Lolita, I hope she would wear something like this! It is hard to see in the photo, but I wearing a lovely vintage cameo necklace. It was such a great find at a thrift shop. ❤

I also love how long this JSK is on me; it reminds me of a high bookshelf, full of a variety of books spanning across time periods and genres. I like to imagine that every item on the skirt is a different book (but I know that there are repeats of the same book printed on the fabric… I can still dream though!).

Now when did I wear this book-inspired coord? For my friend Terry’s birthday party! Here are some photos from the event:


As you can see above, it was a windy (and chilly) day, but nothing could stop us from celebrating a friend’s birthday with lots of frills and fun! ^-^


The birthday girl even purikura’d this selca of us~! Isn’t she such a cutie? I hope she had a lovely time on her birthday!


But back to the book theme… I really love this JSK. ❤ The print even has metallic gold details! Just look at the detailing in the print: the spines of the books are so intricate. Wow, this blog post was truly all over the place. Sorry I haven’t been writing many blog posts! At least the Lolita Blog Carnival gives me a reason to remember to blog. It is difficult to find time for blogging when I’m bogged down with academic life. I will try my best to write posts more often!

I will write up some more about a coord inspired by a specific book or book series later!


~Be sure to read other blog posts on this topic for the Lolita Blog Carnival! 

Elegant Poupee, Papillon de Nuit,  A Little Bit of This… a Little Bit of That Too, Sweet Indeed, New Vogue Children, Lolita Cor-de-Rosa, FYeah Lolita, Päivänvarjon alla, Daily Fuckery, Snow Rose, Spider Sugar, The Bloody Tea Party, Doll Life

2 thoughts on “Book-Inspired Coordinates

  1. Pingback: [Lolita Blog Carnival] Book Inspired Coordinations | Papillon de Nuit ~ Blog

  2. Pingback: Lolita Blog Carnival- Book Inspired Coordinations | Elegant Poupée

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